Useful Information

 Conversion Chart

1⁄8" = .125

1⁄4" = .250

3⁄8" = .375

1⁄2" = .500

5⁄8" = .625

 3⁄4" = .750

7⁄8" = .875

Adhesive Type 

  • Permanent Adhesive

Designed for application at room temperature to a clean, dry, non-oily, smooth, flat surface for indoor use.

  • Removable Adhesive

Adhesive allows for the label to be removed (not meant to be reapplied to the surface).

  • Freezer Adhesive

For applications as low as -20˚F with a service temperature range from -65˚F to +200˚F. 

  • Tamper Evident Adhesive

 Ideal applications are indoors and for short-term use. When tampered with, the label cannot be reapplied securely. Allow 24 hours for the adhesive to anchor properly.